
Greetings Chonky Chasers! Tis me Shaman, and these are my platforms!
I am a vtuber possessed by the Demonic Owl on my shoulder named Chonky. He is in search of new devout followers, so lend him your power so that he may regain his former glorious form!


I am the COO for the ViO Productions Entertainment Company. You can follow my friends involved with making ViO a reality down below! And visit our website!


I am Shaman, I never used to be called that, but this is my life now... Before, I was a normal dude from a rough town, but one day that all changed. I was looking out my window when an owl flew directly into my face. His beak poked my left eye out. I was understandably peeved, but then confused when the owl began speaking to me. He said he's a demon from hell, an outcast for pissing off someone he shouldn't have. He was sealed in the body of an owl. I named him Chonky, because, well, he's a rather plump owl, and his demonic name I couldn't pronounce. It sounded like the entire track of Helter Skelter played backwards. I offered to help him get his demonic form back and return to hell, if in exchange he did one thing for me. Give me my eye back. I ended up getting my eye back, and a bit more than I bargained for. I also got a rather large portion of the demon's power. He's stuck with me now, until he finds a suitable host, with suitable power to return to hell.


Are you interested in working with me?
Interested in working with ViO?
Send me an email, and I will reach out at my earliest convenience!